Aucune traduction exact pour نكث يمينه

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Traduire anglais arabe نكث يمينه

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  • (b) The “assumption” that the opponent of the author had given false testimony would have meant that he had committed perjury as well as forgery of documents.
    (ب) إن "افتراض" قيام خصم صاحب البلاغ بالإدلاء بشهادة خاطئة يعني أنه يكون قد نكث يمينه وقام أيضاً بتزوير مستندات.
  • Dr. W. delivered his testimony as a witness, and was thus under an obligation to present true facts and under threat of sanctions, while the testimony of the plaintiff (the author) was not subjected to the obligation of truthfulness under threat of (criminal) sanctions The assumption that Dr. W. had given false testimony would not only have implied that he committed perjury in the trial, but also that he committed forgery of documents, i.e. that he had forged the memo about his telephone conversation with the plaintiff The letter of his then trustee Mag.
    • إن افتراض تقديم الدكتور و. شهادة زور لا يعني أنه نكث يمينه في محاكمة فحسب، بل يعني أيضاً أنه قد زوّر مستندات، أي أنه اختلق المذكرة المتعلقة بمكالمته الهاتفية مع المدعي؛